Get Better Grades.

Work with an expert tutoring specialist.

Two women having a conversation at a desk with a computer and books in an office setting.

Our Experience Counts

  • 1,400+

    students served from Alaska schools

  • 30,000+

    hours of tutoring delivered to Alaska students

  • 9.6/10

    average likelihood to recommend our tutoring

What Other Parents are Saying

  • "Our son’s grades increased, and he started feeling capable again in math. Even just one month made a huge difference in turning things around."

    West Anchorage High School Family | Precalculus

  • "Tutoring reduced my daughter’s anxiety. She was afraid to ask questions in class so this gave her an opportunity to ask questions and get responses without having to worry about what other students were thinking."

    West Anchorage High School Family | Algebra II, Precalculus, & Calculus

  • "Before starting with Frontier Tutoring, my son had a D average in Algebra. He just finished Algebra II with an A on his final!"

    Grace Christian School Family | Algebra II

  • "My son was super happy after each session and seemed to regain the joy in doing math that he had lost when he was so frustrated. I also appreciated how responsive and honest Frontier Tutoring has been regarding how much help my son needed."

    West Anchorage High School Family | AP Calculus BC

  • "Frontier Tutoring helped my son and daughter get As. I think the biggest benefit was the confidence they developed from knowing there was a person who cared about them and would walk with them through difficult studies."

    South Anchorage High School Family | Algebra II, Precalculus, AP Calculus, and AP Chemistry

  • "My daughter's tutor was so patient and such a wonderful help. She completed her math course, replacing her previous grade of a D with a solid B.

    West Anchorage High School Family | IB Math Analysis

How Tutoring Works

Our expert Alaska-based tutoring specialists undergo rigorous training and qualification.

Each Session
You Get:

  • Homework help

  • Skills and strategies

  • Detailed session reports

We Tutor:

  • Middle/High School & College-Level

    • Math

    • English

    • Science

  • Study Skills & Test-Taking

Two women focused on a laptop screen, collaborating in an office environment.

We offer tutoring in-person in the office and online via Zoom!

Why Get A Tutor?

Catch Up

Address skill gaps

Clarify concepts

Review old assignments

Keep Up

Get homework help

Build study strategies

Track deadlines

Get Ahead

Prepare for tests

Manage course pacing

Tackle new content

Compare us to Sylvan

See why the choice is clear.

It all starts with students.

Frontier Tutoring

only 1 student per session

with one expert tutoring specialist they know and like specializing in the subject they are teaching

Sylvan Learning

up to 3 students per session

each of whom may be working on different subjects with one of several instructors on shift

In a 60 minute session, your student receives…

Frontier Tutoring

the full


minutes with a tutoring specialist

Sylvan Learning

as little as


minutes with an instructor

Thinking dollars?

Frontier Tutoring

x 1

hour-long sessions to receive 60 minutes of instruction


per hour in session


per hour of instruction

Sylvan Learning


per hour in session

x 3

hour-long sessions to receive 60 minutes of instruction


per hour of instruction