Get Better Grades.
Work with an expert tutoring specialist.

Our Experience Counts
students served from Alaska schools
hours of tutoring delivered to Alaska students
average likelihood to recommend our tutoring
What Other Parents are Saying

How Tutoring Works
Our expert Alaska-based tutoring specialists undergo rigorous training and qualification.
Each Session
You Get:
Homework help
Skills and strategies
Detailed session reports
We Tutor:
Middle/High School & College-Level
Study Skills & Test-Taking
We offer tutoring in-person in the office and online via Zoom!

Why Get A Tutor?
Catch Up
Address skill gaps
Clarify concepts
Review old assignments
Keep Up
Get homework help
Build study strategies
Track deadlines
Get Ahead
Prepare for tests
Manage course pacing
Tackle new content

Compare us to Sylvan
See why the choice is clear.
It all starts with students.
Frontier Tutoring
only 1 student per session
with one expert tutoring specialist they know and like specializing in the subject they are teaching
Sylvan Learning
up to 3 students per session
each of whom may be working on different subjects with one of several instructors on shift
In a 60 minute session, your student receives…
Frontier Tutoring
the full
minutes with a tutoring specialist
Sylvan Learning
as little as
minutes with an instructor
Thinking dollars?
Frontier Tutoring
x 1
hour-long sessions to receive 60 minutes of instruction
per hour in session
per hour of instruction
Sylvan Learning
per hour in session
x 3
hour-long sessions to receive 60 minutes of instruction
per hour of instruction